Race Ramps 16in. Wide Supercar FlatStoppers
You're pulling your super car out of storage for the first time this year and see flat spots on your expensive extra-wide tires once again. Don't let that happen again! Supercar FlatStoppers is the solution you need.
FlatStoppers have been saving thousands of tires worldwide while they're stuck in winter or long-term storage and they are more affordable than the cost of replacing your tires. When you're parking your car for 30 days or more, simply drive onto our best-selling 28-inch long FlatStoppers and your tires will settle into the concave depression of the pads to evenly disperse the weight of the car across the increased contact patch and prevent flat spots. This set of four 16-inch wide Supercar FlatStoppers can accommodate monster tires up to 14 inches wide, and has a total weight capacity of 6,000 pounds (each FlatStopper supports up to 1,500 pounds). After the 8.9-degree approach incline, the depression follows the natural shape of your tire to keep it in great condition until the next time you drive, and repositioning the ramps is easy as they only weigh 1.5 pounds apiece.
FlatStoppers are manufactured using an exclusive, patented process. They are constructed of 100% solid, high-density foam with a rugged anti-slip coating that results in a lightweight tire storage solution that is strong, yet durable. They won't slide, scratch, or damage your floors, and won't conduct heat or cold from the surface to your tires, making them a versatile solution in hot or cold weather applications.
• Evenly disperses vehicle weight and preserves tire shape to prevent flat spots
• Fits supercar tires up to 14 inches wide
• Won't slip, slide or scoot no matter the surface, or damage garage floors
Use on a level, flat surface. Ensure that the bottom of each Flatstopper makes full contact with the ground. You may notice indentations in the Flatstopper after you remove the car. This is normal as the Flatstopper is conforming to the tire. See instruction manual link to review full usage guidelines.
Made in the USA
Sold As:
Set of four
Maximum Tire Width:
Lift Height:
3.5 lbs. per ramp
Expanded foam with traction coating
Approach Angle Degree:
Maximum Capacity:
1,500 lbs. per ramp